Joshua's current favorite movie is Horton Hears a Who. It is a great movie. Like many of the animated flicks these days, it is funny for adults and kids. Also, it has a great, pro-life message. Here is a link to a review, written in verse.
In addition to being pro-life, Horton works hard to save the smallest and most vulnerable people in the jungle, I found the movie to be pro-faith as well. The villain, a kangaroo, is angry because Horton is causing people to believe in things that they can't see, touch or feel. She insists that if she can't see it or hear it, it does not exist. Isn't that our world's current, materialist worldview in a nutshell? Yet, Horton who has heard a still small voice from the speck, insists that there are people on the speck and he will not let anyone tell him otherwise. Horton is the hero and the kangaroo is the villain. People of faith know that not everything in this world can be limited to or explained by what we can see, hear, feel or touch.
1 comment:
I enjoy this connection, it is perceptive and charming!
I think that just as a person's a person no matter how small, so also a person's a person no matter how wicked, no matter how lazy, and no matter how non-American.
Just as we should be concerned for all people, no matter how small, I hope you can join me in caring equally for Mexicans and Americans, for murderers and murderers' victims, for poor and rich, for lazy and industrious, for smart and foolish.
If a person's a person no matter how small, then surely such things as universal health care, open borders, and a commitment to the dignity of every human person, become gospel imperatives.
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